About us

We are a Church that is growing in the Lord.  We are here to meet the needs of the people of Essex and the surrounding Communities.  We are in a new chapter in our church's long history.  Our church has been in the community for over 50 years.  We have just got a new Pastor at the beginning of 2013.  The new pastor has a heart for the Lord and for the people.  Our church theme is a Church with a Heart and that's what we are. We have a heart for the Lost and for the sick just like Jesus Christ.

We believe in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 statement.

Mars Hill Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church, is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC); Baptist Convention of Maryland Delaware (BCM/D) and the Baltimore Baptist Association (BBA).

We believe in, and support, the Cooperative Program in our giving. In addition, we support annual Missions offerings to support missionaries on the Home and Foreign fields.
